I provide personalized caring Doula Services.
Free Consultation
Birth and Postpartum Doula
V bac Support Doula
Hypnobabies trained
Spinning Babies Parent Educator
Acupressure for pregnancy induction
Breastfeeding support
Newborn care
Sleep training
Insurance reimbursement service if available
Doula Support in San Luis Obisbo and surrounding Areas
Helping women through birth and postpartum

Every woman and family deserves a positive birth experience. You will remember every minute of this day for the rest of your life. I will provide support and education to help you through the labor and birthing process, and adjusting to life in the days and weeks to follow.
Your journey starts from the day you conceive and your body begins to make many changes to prepare for childbirth. Your Doula is going to be a huge part of your total experience.
I will educate you and help you to learn relaxation.
I will train you on techniques to help your baby get in a position to make your labor faster,easier and more comfortable.
I will empower you to to speak up during the birth process and help you to understand how everything works.
I will educate you on the birth process.
I will help answer all of your questions so you are prepared to make educated choices.
I will make you feel safe and cared for during the entire process.
The journey does not stop once the birth is over. A new baby can be beautiful and scary. I will come into your home after baby is born and help you learn how to calm baby and start sleep conditioning. I will provide breastfeeding support and teach you how to prepare a safe home environment.
There are many studies that show how Doulas can cut down on unwanted interventions and cesarean section rates.
Insurance companies are starting to recognize the benefits of having a Doula and you may be able to get reimbursed for my services. I have all the necessary qualifications that insurance companies want to see.